Yo, Sony! Hook me up!

I gotta have some of what you’re smokin’!

I’m sure if you’re any sort of geek at all, you’ve heard Sony’s big news about the Playstation3. (If you’ve heard all that, you can skip this, unless you just want to read my reaction.)

1. The price: $599!?!?! O.o

Fuck that shit!

Oh sure, they’ve got a model for $499, but that one has no HDMI output, no flash card slots and no wifi – so it’s not really a PS3. What’s the point of paying so much more to get a Blu-Ray drive when you can’t even output over HDMI?

2. The Controller

Firstly, it’s not a Nintendo ripoff. No, that would’ve been too hard. Instead, Sony reached back to 1999 to rip off Microsoft and their Sidewinder Freestyle. Wow, that’s really trying hard there guys.

Secondly, it’s the same damned thing as the last two times.

Both of those points aside, I still like this pic:

3. Nintendo.

Their press conference is in about 4 hours. I’m not staying up to see it, so I’ll have to read all about it when I get up tomorrow. I’m sure whatever they have to say and show is going to fucking bury Sony.


On second thought, I don’t want any of what Sony’s smoking.

I don’t need to smoke myself retarded