Twelve men enter…

One man leaves.

In today’s installment of “just how damned cool can one game be?” I’ll be dishing out the details on Wario’s multiplayer modes.

All 7 of them.

Here’s a shot of the multiplayer area’s map:

The icons are as follows:

Top Row: Darts Club, The Survival, Star Nose
Middle Row: The Survival, The Balloon
Bottom Row: Station, The Explosion, The Two Jumpers

Now, the descriptions:

Darts Club – 2 to 4 players
You play darts.

The Survival – 2 to 5 players
A “pass the Wiimote” game in which players take turns doing various microgames and points are awarded for successful completion of a game. Once all the rounds have finished, you’ll find all the participating Miis dangling over alligator-infested waters. Take turns cutting the strings to see who drops in. The winner is whomever is left alive – even if that person didn’t have the more points. (More points gets you more ropes to cut, though.)

Star Nose – 2 players
Two players only, one using the Wiimote, the other the connected nunchuck. Each player pilots a nose-shaped craft. Crash your nose and the other player wins.

The Survival – 2 to 12 players
A “pass the Wiimote” game. Each player takes turns at various microgames. Fail just once and you’re out. Last person still in wins.

The Balloon – 2 to 5 players
Similar to survival, only this time there’s a giant balloon and a pump involved. After completing your microgame, you have to pump up the balloon. But not too much! Whoever pops it loses.

Station – return to the main menu
Just what it says.

The Explosion – 2 to 5 players
This is my favorite of all the multiplayer modes. It’s another “pass the Wiimote” one, but with a great twist. Before passing the Wiimote you get to pick the control style (see yesterday’s post for explanations of all of them) the next player must use. Only 14 of the 19 styles are included in this multiplayer mode, though. (I can see Nito-ryu being left out, as it requires the nunchuck, but I’m not sure why 4 others weren’t included.) Also, each time a control style is selected, the difficulty increases, first to Level 2, then to Level 3 (the max). Fail any microgame and the Wiimote explodes.

Not the one you’re playing with!

The one the Miis are passing back and forth on-screen. ^.^ Also, if you take too long in choosing a control style, the on-screen Wiimote will explode, eliminating the Mii holding it and taking that player out of the game.

The Two Jumpers – 2 players
As far as the two 2-player modes go, I like this one better than Star Nose. In this game, the Wiimote/nunchuck setup is used again. This time the players are represented by two characters who are running while holding a Wiimote and nunchuck. Various obstacles appear in their path, which must be jumped or else the runners get slowed down. Jumping is done by flicking the Wiimote (or nunchuck) upwards.

This game is a lot of fun, though you’re likely to find yourself yelling, “jump, stupid!” more than a few times.

Or are you the one being yelled at?

Well, that’s all the multiplayer modes (as far as I can tell, anyways). I hope this was informative (or even helpful, for those who’ve imported but weren’t quite sure what was going on in these modes).

So…(once again)…any questions?

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